Saturday, November 1, 2008


Sarah Palin is a liberated, pro-life, pro-gun, mother of five with hands-on-experience as owner of a small commercial fishing business and a rare female maverick. She fought corruption in the Alaska GOP and won. She ran against an incumbent, Governor Frank Murkowski and won the primary. Sarah then proceeded to the general election and soundly defeated another ‘good ol’ boy’, former Governor Tony Knowles.

Sarah will fit very smoothly into the change and reform GOP ticket of McCain/Palin. She was a Mayor of Wasilla, AK for two terms, is presently the Governor of Alaska and Commander-in-Chief of the Alaska National Guard. Sarah has balanced the budgets and created a surplus during her first term as governor.

This, by far, is more executive experience than Senator Biden with 36 years and Senator Obama with 3 years combined. Biden may be Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee but that does not mean he is an expert on foreign policy.

Everyone is concerned about Sarah’s foreign policy experience. As Governor of Alaska, she has 24/7 intelligence reports on Russian activities. "No governor ever had foreign-policy experience before becoming president — not Ronald Reagan, not Franklin D. Roosevelt, nor any other governor.” T. Sowell

Have you naysayers forgotten about the members of a President's Cabinet? Our Presidents and Governors use the same process in making decisions. They gather intelligence information from their advisors and staff to be used in reaching a decision. Then the decision is their responsibility to make alone.

Who is qualified to be President of the United States of America? If someone is serving their second term as President, they will most certainly have experience! Are they qualified to be President of the United States of America just because they were president?


Blogger Unknown said...

If she had just run a commercial plumbing business in Wasilla AK she would have all the experience she needs.

October 29, 2013 at 1:41 PM  

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