At a Philadelphia primary, Barack Obama said, "...just because you have an individual right does not mean that the state or local government can't constrain the exercise of that right..."
Since socialism cannot be established without a socialist movement, it follows that the destiny of the unions will determine whether socialism will ever be realized by Obama and the Democrats. Unions destroy commerce!
A Marxist Obama will transfer: soaring interest rates; a bankrupt Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and Education systems; surging taxes on everything you purchase; trillions of dollars more in Federal debt to fund his vote getting, socialism; No drill energy policy; $700 billion annually to enemy countries for oil; increase in gas and heating fuel prices; an impoverished retirement account for you in your twilight years.
Tax burdens and union wages increase the cost of union-made products that result in purchases of less expensive imported products. Therefore, production and jobs are cut until the companies eventually move off shore or file bankruptcy.
Union Leaders do NOT lose their jobs, salaries, families, homes, limousines during strikes or when companies close. Unions destroy commerce! Union bosses are arriving at American workers homes with huge, intimidating gorillas trying to force them to sign their union membership cards or else.
Former Democratic presidential candidate George McGovern will be involved in a $30 million Employee Freedom Action Committee ad campaign to oppose the socialist Democrat-backed “card check” legislation titled, “The Employee Free Choice Act” that eliminates the “secret ballot” for the non-union work force. Be afraid. Be very afraid!
Since socialism cannot be established without a socialist movement, it follows that the destiny of the unions will determine whether socialism will ever be realized by Obama and the Democrats. Unions destroy commerce!
A Marxist Obama will transfer: soaring interest rates; a bankrupt Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and Education systems; surging taxes on everything you purchase; trillions of dollars more in Federal debt to fund his vote getting, socialism; No drill energy policy; $700 billion annually to enemy countries for oil; increase in gas and heating fuel prices; an impoverished retirement account for you in your twilight years.
Tax burdens and union wages increase the cost of union-made products that result in purchases of less expensive imported products. Therefore, production and jobs are cut until the companies eventually move off shore or file bankruptcy.
Union Leaders do NOT lose their jobs, salaries, families, homes, limousines during strikes or when companies close. Unions destroy commerce! Union bosses are arriving at American workers homes with huge, intimidating gorillas trying to force them to sign their union membership cards or else.
Former Democratic presidential candidate George McGovern will be involved in a $30 million Employee Freedom Action Committee ad campaign to oppose the socialist Democrat-backed “card check” legislation titled, “The Employee Free Choice Act” that eliminates the “secret ballot” for the non-union work force. Be afraid. Be very afraid!
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